Intensive care represents the highest level of patient care and treatment designated for critically ill patients with potentially recoverable life-threatening conditions. Intensive care units (ICUs) are specialist hospital wards that provide care for people who are critically ill. They are staffed with specially trained healthcare professionals and contain sophisticated monitoring equipment. Considering ICU availability in Chennai is one of the factors to consider when you’re admitted to the hospital. RPS Offers specialized care and uses standard technologies in order to provide it 

In the intensive care unit (ICU), managing airways is a difficult procedure that frequently has life-threatening side effects.

Depending on the situation and the patients that require endotracheal intubation, the rate of difficult intubations ranges from 10% to 22%.

The first stage in managing the airways is effective preoxygenation. It increases the apnoea safety time margin for critically ill ICU patients with already low oxygen transport and when intubation for airway control would take a long time. If it is done optimally by reaching PEO2 of >90%.

In severely ill patients, the apnoea time required for oxyhaemoglobin to desaturate below 85% during the postoperative period is 23 seconds, compared to 502 seconds in individuals in good health.

When there is a lack of airway knowledge, there is a high chance of many failed intubations, airway trauma, oesophageal intubation, and intubation failure. These outcomes often result in cardiac arrest or brain injury.

Furthermore, repeated stressful procedures performed by a clinician with little skill could quickly make an airway difficult due to airway oedema.

No matter the diagnosis or stage of the disease, palliative care is a type of specialist medical care that focuses on giving patients relief from pain and other serious illness symptoms.

You might choose to get palliative care at any point during the course of a severe disease.

It aids you in controlling symptoms and addressing the issues that matter to you the most.

Teams providing palliative care work to enhance the quality of life for patients and their families. Along with any curative or other therapies you might be receiving, this type of care is available.  

A group of doctors, nurses, and other specially trained people offer palliative care. They collaborate with you, your loved ones, and your other medical professionals to offer an additional level of support that completes your ongoing care.


Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) is a feeding technique that omits the digestive system.

The majority of the body’s nutritional requirements are met by a special formula administered intravenously.

When a person cannot or shouldn’t receive feedings or fluids orally, the technique is utilised. Standard formulations are used to create basic TPN solutions in litre batches utilising sterile procedures. The usual need for the standard solution is 2 L/day.

Based on test results, underlying conditions, hypermetabolism, or other variables, solutions may need to be changed.

Carbohydrates make up the majority of calories. Dextrose is typically administered at a rate of 4 to 5 mg/kg/minute. Standard solutions contain up to roughly 25% dextrose, but the concentration and amount vary depending on other elements including metabolic requirements and the percentage of calories supplied by lipids.

To deliver vital fatty acids and triglycerides, commercially available lipid emulsions are frequently added; typically, 20 to 30 percent of total calories are supplied as lipids.

However, depriving obese individuals of lipids and their caloric content may help them mobilise endogenous fat reserves, boosting insulin sensitivity.

The most frequently observed organ system in a critical care situation is the cardiovascular system.

By detecting heart rate and rhythm, assessing the volume state, measuring cardiac contractility, and determining systemic vascular resistance, it aids in determining the existence and kind of shock and directs the resuscitation response.

Greater assessment of oxygen transport to sensitive tissues is now possible thanks to new technology.

Inserting a central venous catheter is a frequent and frequently required treatment for the management of critically unwell patients.

Depending on the need for a catheter, different devices can be used to gain central venous access.

However, catheters are also used to perform dialysis or plasmapheresis, or as a conduit to insert other devices for more complex treatments.

Central venous catheters generally allow for the delivery of vasoactive drugs and compounds that are known venous irritants.

A 1-inch (2.5-centimeter) skin incision is made between your ribs to place the chest tube.

The tube is joined to an exclusive canister. It frequently drains with the use of suction.

Into the chest is inserted a hollow, flexible tube known as a chest tube.

Chest tubes remove air, fluid, or blood from the area around your heart, lungs, or oesophagus. Between your ribs and in the void between your chest cavity’s inner and outer lining, the tube surrounding your lung is inserted. Pleural space is the term for this area.

To enable your lungs to fully expand, it is done.

The chest tube typically remains in place until x-rays demonstrate that all of the blood, fluid, or air from your chest has been drained and your lung has totally recovered.

When not needed anymore, the tube is simple to remove.

The placement of a chest tube in some patients may be assisted by ultrasound, computerised tomography (CT), or x-ray. A chest tube will be inserted during major lung or heart surgery while you are unconscious (under general anaesthesia).

When one’s breathing or heartbeat have stopped due to an emergency, such as a heart attack or a near-drowning, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) can help save their life.

The American Heart Association advises performing quick, forceful chest compressions to begin CPR. This recommendation for hands-only CPR is valid for both unskilled bystanders and first responders.

The brain and other organs can continue to get oxygen-rich blood thanks to CPR until emergency medical care can return the heart to a normal rhythm.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR, combines rescue breathing with chest compressions (pushing on the chest over the heart) (mouth-to-mouth resuscitation).

The body ceases receiving blood that is oxygen-rich when the heart stops. In just a few minutes, the brain might suffer damage due to a shortage of oxygen-rich blood.

A mechanical ventilator is a device that assists a patient in breathing (ventilating) during surgery or when they are unable to do so due to a serious disease.

A hollow tube (artificial airway) that enters the patient’s mouth and descends into their primary airway, or trachea, is used to attach the patient to the ventilator. Until they recover sufficiently to breathe on their own, they are kept on the ventilator.

The following are the primary advantages of mechanical ventilation:

  • As the patient’s respiratory muscles rest, they do not have to work as hard to breathe.
  • The patient has been given time to recover in the hopes that their breathing would return to normal.
  • aids in the patient’s oxygenation and carbon dioxide removal.
  • maintains a stable airway and guards against aspiration damage.

It’s crucial to remember that artificial ventilation doesn’t help the patient get better.

Instead, it gives the patient a chance to maintain stability as the drugs and treatments aid in their recovery.

Draining fluid from the peritoneal cavity—the area between the abdominal wall and the organs—involves abdominal drainage.

Fluid accumulation in the cavity can be brought on by a variety of conditions, including inflammation, infection, and trauma. The substance is known as ascites.

During the course of weeks, months, or even years, an anti-cancer medicine can be delivered into the abdomen or peritoneal cavity by a thin plastic tube implanted under the skin called a peritoneal catheter.

After being inserted within the body, the catheter is made to hang down into the abdominal cavity and has an external access.

In order for patients to get treatments like serial paracentesis, in which extra fluids in the abdomen are regularly removed through a catheter attached to the port, the peritoneal catheter is placed during a minimally invasive operation.

  • intraperitoneal therapy, which involves inserting a catheter into a port to deliver anti-cancer medications into the peritoneal cavity.
  • Dialysis for some sufferers of chronic renal failure.

The care you get following surgery is called postoperative care.

Your postoperative care requirements are influenced by the kind of surgery you had and your medical history. Wound care and pain control are frequently included.

Following surgery, postoperative care begins. It continues after you are discharged from the hospital and for the rest of your hospital stay.

Your healthcare professional should inform you about the possible problems and adverse effects of your surgery as part of your postoperative care. You might not be able to take care of yourself for a while following surgery in some circumstances.

You could require a caregiver to assist with wound care, meal preparation, personal hygiene, and support when you walk around.

Appropriate postoperative care can speed up your recovery and lower your risk of problems. You may contribute to making your recuperation as easy as possible by being proactive and making some preparations.

A long, thin tube called a catheter is introduced into a pulmonary artery during a technique called pulmonary artery catheterization.

A wide range of health issues can be diagnosed and treated with its assistance. Its diagnostic function includes monitoring therapy, assessing drug effects, and detecting heart failure or sepsis.

The two principal arteries leaving the right ventricle of the heart are known as the pulmonary arteries.

Low-oxygen blood is seen in this lower chamber of the heart. This blood travels to the lungs through the pulmonary arteries. The blood absorbs more oxygen there and exhales carbon dioxide.